Meet Christine

Hi! I’m Christine - I love being mama to my 2 babes, Willa & Linc, and spending time with my family! I’ve always had a huge passion for teaching and working with the tiniest of humans. I have my Master’s in Early Years Education, I’m a certified kids and families yoga teacher and I am currently training to be an official responsive parenting mentor! I am always looking for the healthiest and most sustainable choices for my family. As I navigate my way as a mother, teacher and general human being looking to make good choices, I hope to share helpful tips and tricks I pick up along the way with you!

From Christine

Read what Christine's finding as she journeys through parenthood! You'll find free baby yoga classes, tips on open ended play, development milestones to look out for, and find her favorite organic product recommendations.


Baby Essentials You Won't Regret Buying
When I was near the end of my 2nd trimester, I was researching all the things I might need for my new baby. Do NOT worry if you are nowhere near this point - from what I gather, I was...
Prepare an Older Sibling for a New Baby
We are coming to you with books that may help to prepare an older sibling for this sweet little baby that is on the way. First thing to note is that, as it is for any human (however young or...
What's Up With Pelvic Floor Therapy?
Around this time of my 1st pregnancy, I had been hearing a little bit about pelvic floor health in my birth education classes. Whenever pelvic floors were mentioned around me prior to being pregnant, I immediately thought of 2 things...